We specialize in delivering comprehensive turnkey solutions for cranes and lifting projects. Our services include design, engineering, installation, and commissioning tailored to meet the unique demands of industrial and construction sectors. By leveraging cutting-edge technology and a dedicated team, we ensure that your lifting operations are optimized for safety and efficiency.
Our third-party certified Riggers at Level I and Level II are adept at managing critical lifting tasks with precision and safety. They are trained to execute complex rigging operations, contributing to the smooth execution of construction and industrial projects.
We offer a wide range of inspection and testing equipment for civil and electromechanical projects on a rental and leasing basis. With calibrated tools and devices, we ensure that your testing needs are met with accuracy and convenience, enabling compliance and high-quality project delivery.
Marshal Equipment Rental L.L.C For Equipment and Machinery Rental Company provides specialized lifting equipment and services to industries like Advertising, construction, Marine and logistics industry in All GCC countries.